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Why Vistage?

Vistage members are part of a group of other CEOs, business owners, or key executives who are committed to helping each other make better decisions, get better results and become better leaders.


Chris Quinn brings years of executive leadership experience to his role as a Vistage Chair.  For more than 60 years, Vistage has coached more than 100,000 CEOs to help them make better decisions and get better results for their businesses.


How about yours?

Benefits of Vistage Membership

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You have an executive coach you respect and trust, and a confidential advisory board to help you think through issues.

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You set aside one day a month to work on your business, rather than staying stuck in the weeds and spinning your wheels on unresolved issues.

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You have a time-tested, approach for moving your business forward and growing it faster.




What our members say ...

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Fielding Miller, CEO

CAPTRUST Financial Advisors

Chris and I connected immediately. I liked his style and I felt that he had a lot to offer based on his diverse professional background as a Marine-turned-executive.

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What happens in Vistage group meetings?

Vistage members dedicate one day each month to collaborate with their peer advisory group. These meetings take you out of the day-to-day tasks and help you focus on the development and big picture planning of your business. Peer groups help you identify and tackle issues that may be keeping you from reaching your business goals. Peer group members help each other brainstorm ideas, develop troubleshooting strategies, and find solutions together.


Meetings are facilitated by Vistage Chair, Chris Quinn who uses a proprietary method for keeping the conversations focused and productive.


At most meetings, an expert in a specific discipline will run a workshop to help members learn and generate actionable ideas for their businesses.

What is a Vistage Chair?

Hint: It's your own CEO coach

Vistage Chair Chris Quinn is part of an elite group of executive mentors (CEO coaches). He and other Chairs have a strong financial acumen, excellent management skills, and an innate entrepreneurial spirit.


In his role facilitating peer advisory groups, Chris has the opportunity to greatly impact the lives of other business leaders in the Research Triangle community.


Chris conducts one-to-one mentoring sessions with each Vistage member to help them better clarify the issues holding them back — and the opportunities that can propel them forward.

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